Home About Experience Videography Photography

I developed my love and appreciation for the cinematic art form from watching a lot of movies growing up. The very first video I put together in middle school made me realize how much I enjoyed the process of content creation and I had been slowly learning more and more since. This love for film eventually sparked my passions for photography and music videos, as some of my favorite directors have razor-sharp focus on editing and have also worked with my favorite cinematographers.

Because I never took any TV media classes in high school, I always took every opportunity I came across to make a video, most of which were from class projects that allowed video submissions. For every new video I make, I always make sure to incorporate a new technique or idea into the process of crafting it to make sure I learned something that I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the video. I also surf around the web to check out new editing software that might make certain processes more convenient for me. When I’m brainstorming for a music video, I listen to a song during my walk and choreograph the editing in my head in a way that cuts to the beat. When I find a music video that utilizes visual storytelling techniques, I take note them and analyze how they condense a scenario or a narrative into a 3-minute long video. After watching a film or TV show I love, I look around for video essays on YouTube to deepen my understanding of it and appreciate it more. For fancy in-camera techniques, I watch tutorials on how to pull them off in case I find an opportunity to incorporate them in future videos.

Director David Fincher is who I look up to for editing. Director and screenwriter Damian Chazelle for visual storytelling techniques and character development. Cinematographers Linus Sandgren, Jeff Cronenweth, and Roger Deakins for the visuals.

I am deeply grateful for every opportunity I get to work on a new project. Each one not only excites my creativity but the filmmaking process is always a good way for me to improve my planning and leadership skills. I also want to give a shout-out to everyone who has ever worked with me for spending their time to help bring my imagination to life.

My favorite videos to make are music videos, trailers, and short-films/sketches. Below are some of my works.

Music Video Montage of Me and My Friends at UC San Diego

Sci-Fi Short Film for a Class Final

Trailer for a House of Cards Parody at an Internship